Channel: International Affairs
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THW legalise tied aid

"Tied aid credits are official or officially supported Loans, credits or Associated Financing packages where procurement of the goods or services involved is limited to the donor country or to a group...

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THW legalise 'tied' aid

"Tied aid credits are official or officially supported Loans, credits or Associated Financing packages where procurement of the goods or services involved is limited to the donor country or to a group...

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This house would abolish the security council veto

This is a discussion on the Debatabase item titled: This house would abolish the security council veto.Below is the discussion so far. Feel free to add your own comments!

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This House believes the Mexico-US border fence is justified

This is a discussion on the Debatabase item titled: This House believes the Mexico-US border fence is justified.Below is the discussion so far. Feel free to add your own comments!

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This House Would Remove the Israeli Security Wall

This is a discussion on the Debatabase item titled: This House Would Remove the Israeli Security Wall.Below is the discussion so far. Feel free to add your own comments!

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A government's moral obligation

Edited by moderator.Hey guys! I am currently in a debate league where the resolution is "A government has a moral obligation to assist other nations in need." What do you guys think? Is it true, is it...

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Wily Yankees are now setting Asians at each other trying to manipulate them

Wily Yankees are now setting Asians at each other trying to manipulate them. Those were Americans who actually prompted Japan to make this dubious decision to buy Senkaku islets from the private owner....

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IF JERUSALEM IS SACRED TO ISLAM WHY HAMAS firing rockets on Jerusalem?

Hamas is a Muslim Suni organization,  and as such believes that the third most holy place to Islam is the Al-AKTSA mosque.so how is it that they fired a rocket into jerusalem , when there is the...

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Is the US justified in intervening in the political processes of other...

Based off of these definitions, do you negate or affirm the resolution:The United States is justified in the internal political processes of other countries to attempt to solve human rights abuses. The...

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Syrian uprising – searching for ‘inside-outside’ playmakers

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is UNITED STATES dominating the UN ?

Usually its seen and thought that un is free and fair and has not got any form of partiality but in real practice it is observed that us is dominating united nations in reality 

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Betrayer can't be president

They say Grybauskate may well triumph in pending presidential elections. I am not jumping with joy. This is rather amusing commentary relating her background, not a flattering one I should say...

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This House believes that no modern nation has a right to expand its borders.

As the title says, would like to hear arguments for both affirmative and negative

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Australia is just copying the USA

I think that Australia is becoming very much like the U.S.A. It is leaning towards becoming a republic, and also it's security is very much the US's. Australia needs to become more independant.

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Do you believe the military for your country really does protect you/your...

 I have always wondered if people really do believe that soldiers and the military protect their country. If so, in what ways do they protect your country? I'm really interested in knowing.

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